Corona Virus Edition

These are scary times. Like you, we have all kinds of emotions. What generally makes us feel better is trying to help. So here’s what we know, think and can do.

1. I own a small business, and I feel actual panic.
Please email us: We are donating services, such as writing copy to take you digital. 

2. Shopping used to be my escape, but why bother?
If you have the means, please support the retailers you love and help boost the economy. If you don’t want to buy anything for spring, stock a gift closet. 

3. I could use a quarantini.
We found this formula for whatever-you-have-in-the-pantry cocktails.

4. Speaking of drinking, I actually need some support.
AA and NA are having virtual meetings if you need one. 

5. And speaking of AA,
The Serenity Prayer is helpful to all of us right now. Try repeating this (with or without the G-d part) if you start to feel overwhelmed: G-d, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

6. My elderly parents need groceries.
Rachel’s son is volunteering to do no-contact food shopping for elders in the Brookline/Boston and surrounding areas. Email us for help

7. Things have slowed down. But I still have a staff.
We suggest planning for holiday. No matter what, holiday will come for retailers, and chances are there will be a lot of pressure to make up sales. (At HCC, we just planned our own holiday gifts, which allowed us to source something custom from an artisan maker.)

8. I’ve never meditated before, but maybe I need … something.

Same. We’ve started looking at @broganartofmeditation daily. It’s simple images, not weird or pushy, just accessible ways to be mindful.

9. When I do video calls I look like I’m in witness protection.

Get dressed. Also, pay attention to lighting. Key: Do not sit in front of Venetian blinds.

10. I can’t sleep.
We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: Farmaesthetics Dreaming Oil. Believe it. 

11. I need a laugh.
Try Nora from Queens (Comedy Central).

12. I need an escape.
Rectify (Netflix) will make this all seem less horrible. City of Girls(Elizabeth Gilbert, book or audio book) will take you away to another place in time. Dries (Amazon Prime) will give you unprecedented beauty to look at. 

13. My children are driving me insane.
If they’re old enough, make them a to-do list in the morning. It might include chores and fun things, like coloring in these shoes. Make yourself one too. 

14. It would be a good time to think about the big stuff I’ve been putting off.
We are finding lots of clients who want to do that. We’re doing Great in 8 virtually, where we create or evolve your DNA in a day. We’re also continuing to donate Great in 8 to someone who needs one for every one we do for a client. If you need one and can’t afford it, reach out:

15. We’re paused on marketing, but there are still things I want to tackle.
Talk to us about deferring payment. We want to support marketing efforts and be true partners. 

16. I want real food. That I don’t have to make.
Yes, you can order takeout. Here’s a nice summary of what the CDC has to say. We all know what a good cappuccino can do to boost morale. Make it count more by supporting a local business, like Broadsheet in Cambridge or Rifrullo in Brookline, which is delivering meals via Uber Eats. 

17. I’m feeling down.
Even if you’re self quarantined and social distancing, you can hold the ones you love + live with a little tighter. All your uninfected humans and animals. Try it. Also, try a walk to boost endorphins and be in nature. 

18. I know someone who needs a boost.
Send them one of these little guys. How can they not smile? And shipping is free.

19. Also … this. (It just helps.)
"I am paying attention to small beauties,
whatever I have – as if it were our duty to
find things to love, to bind ourselves to this world."
-Sharon Olds

Stay safe. If there’s any way we can be helpful to you or to someone you know, please get in touch by email or DM us



Time to Lift the Lid


If you wanna be starting something …